As An Artist, Writer, Photographer, Fine Crafter

Showing Tag: "watermarking" (Show all posts)


Posted by Gail Daley on Friday, February 6, 2015, In : Business Development 

Watermarking for Digital Images

Watermarking your work can be a way to protect your art from pirates, but nothing is foolproof. There are a couple of different types of watermarking you can use: visible and invisible.

Invisible Watermarks: Can be used for copyright protection and recognition of digital images. Unfortunately an invisible watermark may slightly alter your image. Also the technique is so new that there is not yet an “industry standard.” Please be aware also, that waterma...

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Showing Tag: "watermarking" (Show all posts)


Posted by Gail Daley on Friday, February 6, 2015, In : Business Development 

Watermarking for Digital Images

Watermarking your work can be a way to protect your art from pirates, but nothing is foolproof. There are a couple of different types of watermarking you can use: visible and invisible.

Invisible Watermarks: Can be used for copyright protection and recognition of digital images. Unfortunately an invisible watermark may slightly alter your image. Also the technique is so new that there is not yet an “industry standard.” Please be aware also, that waterma...

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